52 aboard on October 15-16, 2022 KY Transport

A Group of Characters…

Maybe it’s the the upcoming Halloween holiday, but we had some creative names on this run. Here are just a few:

Tom & JerryOpie, Barney, and Thelma LouMooch & Meow MeowTwizzler

Who knows if all these names will stick in their forever homes, but it sure gave a few of our volunteers a good laugh.

38 dogs and 11 puppies made the trip.


Plus 3 cats!

Many thanks go out to the network of volunteers that make these transports possible. Thank you to the shelter staff, transport coordinators, receiving rescues, drivers, co-pilots, overnight hosts, monitors, and donors.


65 aboard on November 5-6, 2022 KY Transport


55 aboard on September 24-25, 2022 KY Transport