We drive the shuttle from NY to KY and back again.

We are part of a network of volunteers that make these life-saving transports possible. Our “job” in this network is to keep our shuttle in working order so we can continue making these trips. We’ve transported dogs, cats, and even a few bunnies. Here’s what a typical trips looks like:

timeline showing the costs of driving to KY and back

CCTR officially started operating in August 2021. But, we’ve been a part of these kinds of transports for over seven years. When ECPAWS transport vehicle broke down, we decided to do something about it. The original cost of the shuttle was $17,000. For 2024, we’ve budgeted for $3,900 for insurance and $1,500 for vehicle maintenance. If we make 20 trips a year, our annual need is around $24,320.

Featured on Roc55 Magazine

An underground railway for dogs is alive and well, thanks to a Finger Lakes woman. Read more at Roc55.com

Who adopts these animals?

Happily, most of the animals have already been homed by one of the rescues we work with. The animals are the most important  part of this to us. We don’t stay at luxury hotels. We’ve been known to eat PB&J instead of stopping to eat out. We’re just passionate about saving lives…38 to 105 at a time!

Thank you to the shelter staff, transport coordinators, receiving rescues, drivers, co-pilots, overnight hosts, monitors, and donors who make this possible.

Over 600 animals rescued a year

We pick up animals from various shelters in the Lexington, KY area. These animals have been claimed by one of the rescues we work with. Check out the list below of amazing people who place these animals in their forever homes.

Receiving Shelters

  Help make it happen.

The best way for you to support us is by donating to help cover the cost of our gas and shuttle maintenance.